How to buy a $2000 bag for under $200?!?!?

Last week, the Deans' welcomed a new addition to our, Balenciaga 'City' Dean HA! Not funny huh? My husband didn't think so either, mainly because he knows about this new baby's $2,000 price tag :/...which brings me to how I actually got to purchase this beautiful piece for less than $200!


From prior posts, you guys know about my quarterly closet cleanses (read here) and my 'keep, give, sell' piles. Well last week, I went through my closet and cleared out all of the shoes, clothing and accessories that I wasn't wearing and/or were not longer working for my style. I literally had BAGS of stuff, mainly thrifted (don't judge me) that I just wasn't happy with any more. I also had a ton of stuff from my Ebay store and photo shoots that were taking up precious closet space. So, I got online, did some research and found a few spots that I thought could use some of this lightly used bridge and designer inventory.

I decided try out Clothes Mentor (older sister to Plato's Closet)  because I thought the stuff I had might align more seamlessly with their inventory, based on some of the Yelp reviews. Upon walking in, I was pleasantly surprised by the selection, specifically the handbags and shoes (my weakness). No one mentioned the Louis bags, Tory Burch shoes and Tahari jackets on Yelp...or the gorgeous consigned Balenciaga bag, which was marked down to 25% off of $460! 

Well, after careful review of my merchandise (literally 10 bags of stuff, including a few Kate Spade and Charles Jourdan bags that I'd grown out of), the salesperson offered me $180 total for about 5 bags worth of stuff. Well with the bag now at a discounted price of $345, once I put that $180 towards the bag, the total now becomes $165!!! WHAT??!?!?!?!?! #itsadeal

So when I say that you can make money from your closet, I MEAN IT! I am constantly being asked about my lovely new bag and once people hear the story of how I got it for such a low price, they are sold! And you know what, you can do it too! If you wanna learn how to clear that closet and make some extra cash to pay some bills, buy Christmas gifts or purchase your very own Balenciaga bag ;-), join me on Monday, November 17th from 6-8pm Central time for my new workshop, 'Make Your Closet Pay' (click here). You'll learn the tools that will make you some money time and time again. Who knows, you may make a career out of it like I have ;-)


Professional Dress on a Budget: One sheath dress, four ways


It's Cape Season!!!